Tuesday, August 28, 2007
The A1, exit 110
A crumbling hard shoulder fringed with hairy grama,
bell-shaped spikelets lining the fringes of the visible world,
spirals and scribbles from green to toe-deep rhizome.
Sprays of rabbit’s foot or clumps of Maiden Grass:
Carex blood corkscrews. God’s toothbrush, a bull
elephant’s dental floss, dreadlocks of the Great Dane,
Variegata of wands and brushes, matted tea-parties,
Beatle-browed mops, butter yellow from Summer; burnt
copper tangles, curling a dense groundcover, drooping
hints of wild oats, inflorescences accented towards grey,
battered by a tidy warmth of ghosts, pink at the shins.